Monday, October 24, 2022

I am continuing with my blog.

For a long time, I have not been able to put any posts on my blog. There were many reasons for that. One of the main reasons was that I was in a car accident and miraculously survived.  

What new things have happened in this incomplete year? 

My book was published

A recent review of the book was published in the Electronics, Photonics and Cyber-Physical Systems journal.

I can't help but post the English translation of the review.

The book "Light and Measurements.Vol.1" by Professor A.Z. Sakhabutdinov and his student from Iraq S.M.R.H. Hussein, Ph. " is intended for university entrants, students and teachers aiming at education and work in a modern dynamically developing scientific hi-tech field - photonics, as well as for specialists in absolutely different branches of science and technology, discovering new unprecedented opportunities in metrology and sensorics of fiber optics and photonics, including those based on fiber Bragg structures.

Over the last few decades there have been such significant progressive changes in photonics that there is a need for a textbook of a fundamentally new type, which would allow to involve the younger generation in the field of photonic technologies, which are more productive and faster than "traditional" electronic interfaces in informatics and telecommunications. Such a book should be, first of all, aimed at forming a clear picture of fundamental principles used in photonics, its applications, technologies and tools without being overloaded with complex physical and mathematical apparatuses to describe the processes occurring in photonic and fiber-optic structures. And in this sense, the first volume of the manual by S.J. Sakhabutdinov and S.M.R.H. Hussein fully meets the stated criteria. This is a modern textbook for the discipline "Introduction to Specialty" written in English language, which combines the presentation of the traditional sections of the classical theory of light with materials on fiber optic light guides optical radiation propagation in them, the physics of fiber Bragg gratings and their applications to measure various physical quantities, clearly corresponding to the paradigm "AllThingsPhotonics".

Authors trace all way of light theory development from the first interpretations in religious treatises of the Ancient world and Early Middle Ages up to modern works in the field of applied photonics, deeply enough immersing reader in each subject at appropriate clear popular-scientific level, but not tiring him by abundance of mathematical formulas.  At the same time the classic material is presented with obligatory accent on practical application of the considered processes and phenomena in modern measuring systems. Actually Professor A.J. Sakhabutdinov himself formulated the prerequisites of this manual in the preface: "My goal was to write a modern textbook giving an overview of applied or engineering optics, including lasers, optical signal processing, optical waveguides, and other sections that could be called modern optics.  I have tried to go quite deeply into each subject, trying to use as little mathematics as possible and paying more attention to the practical applications of the results. Since this book gives a very broad survey of applied photonics (much more material than I normally include in a one-semester university course), it can also be used as a reference book for experimental physicists or engineers who have to deal with this technical-scientific field in their professional lives. Some sections of the book can be used in an introductory optics course for undergraduate students. However, this textbook is also designed for advanced undergraduates and experimental physicists who have some gaps in their basic knowledge of optics and its special branch of applied photonics. The textbook by A.J. Sahabutdinov and S.M.R.H. Hussein fills the gap of books in English intended primarily for applicants and first-year students, as well as for scientists and technicians who have a basic knowledge of the language at the A1 level. It should be noted that this book is written in easy English, which facilitates, without doubt, reading and understanding of the material covered and eliminates possible, and sometimes ambiguous, interpretation of complex scientific terms. Of course, this book is not an absolutely ideal textbook on class and modern sections of photonics and fiber optics. Some issues presented, for example, in the chapter "Measurementsofvibrations, properties of liquids and gas" should hardly be combined in one section because of rather essential differences in the basics of functioning of such measuring systems. At the same time, such a popular direction as application of fiber optics and photonics in measuring systems of biomedicine is not considered in the manual. On the whole, the author's presentation of the textbook is rather impressive showing the indissoluble influence of the classical theory of light and its development on modern areas of photonics, including fiber optics and instruments of applied measurements; the textbook contains plenty of original unobtrusive illustrations that not only help to visualize the material presented but also stimulate creative and constructional thought of the reader. A parallel process has also been launched in Russia. It is safe to say that the positive results of the expert examinations will make it possible to increase the circulation of the textbook by an order of magnitude of 500 copies.And finally, we can look forward to the second volume of the textbook "Light and Measurements. Vol. 2" with more profound physical and mathematical analysis of the considered questions, intended for master's and specialist's students.

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