Sunday, June 14, 2020

Russian-Chinese Week of Science and Innovation

I have registered on "Russian-Chinese Week of Science and Innovation” with paper title “Numerical Solution of Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Third-order Dispersion and Raman Scattering for Simulation of Light Propagation in Fiber”, authors A.Zh.Sakhabutdinov, V.I. Anfinogentov, O.G. Morozov, A.A. Kuznetsov.

The history of this work is very interesting.

The Huawei company visited our university two years ago. They suggested the interesting task of 16QAM signal propagation in a Birefringent Fiber. The task was very complicated, nevertheless, the solution of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with second-order dispersion and Raman scattering for light propagation in fiber was found. The further negotiation did non lead to our cooperation with Huawei company, because they didn't believe in our ability to solve this task. Despite this, the task was interesting for us. It was solved by me in close cooperation with professor V.A. Anfinogentov in a year. The solution was published (SakhabutdinovA.J., Anfinogentov V.I., Morozov O.G., Gubaidullin R.R. Numerical approaches to solving a nonlinear system of Schr¨odinger equations for wave propagation. Computational Technologies. 2020; 25(2):80–91).

After that, professor V.A. Burdin from the Department of Communication Lines, Povozhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, suggest the next task. In contrast to the previous task, his task considers the third-order dispersion. The new task was more difficult than previous because third-order dispersion leads to third-order partial derivative by time and the solution of the task becomes a lot more complicated.

But we could solve this task also. The results of our work were published in MDPI Fibers journal: Sakhabutdinov, A.; Anfinogentov, V.; Morozov, O.; Burdin, V.; Bourdine, A.; Gabdulkhakov, I.; Kuznetsov, A. Original Solution of Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations for Simulation of Ultrashort Optical Pulse Propagation in a Birefringent Fiber. Fibers 20208, 34.

With this prehistory, the conference with Сhinese colleagues will be interesting for me. 

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